Vagina's mold and yeast infection

Vagina's mold and yeast infection

1. General

What is vagina's mold and yeast infection?
In the vagina, fungi and bacteria live. That is very normal. There is a natural balance between those fungi and bacteria. Sometimes it gets disturbed. Certain fungi can then dominate. There is a fungal infection called Candida infection.

Why the natural balance is disturbed is not always clear. Sometimes drug use plays a role, such as antibiotics and certain hormones. Hormonal fluctuations can also cause fungal infection. Some women often get a fungal infection after the menstrual period and others during pregnancy. Women with diabetes have more chance of vaginal fungal infections.

The infection can not be harmful and remains restricted to the vagina. Usually the infection goes by itself. It may take several weeks.

2 Recognize

How can you recognize the vagina's mold and yeast infection?
You suffer from itch and / or white, non-smelling vaginal secretion. The secretion can be plentiful and creepy. Sometimes freedom causes pain.

3 do it yourself

What can you do on the vagina's mold and yeast infection?

  • If you were not more than necessary, be careful with soap. The vagina rinsing with lukewarm water under the shower is sufficient. Do not rinse internally, thereby disturbing the balance even further.
  • During a vaginal infection, you should not use tampons.
  • If the freedom hurts, put it off.

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4 Medicine

Which drugs can be used in vagina's mold and yeast infection?
Antifungal agents for use in the vagina
Antifungal agents damage the cell wall of the fungus, causing it to die. In a vaginal fungal infection, local treatment with vaginal vaginal sclerosis, vaginal tablets or vaginal salivary pills (ovules) is usually sufficient. The crème can be lubricated on the lumps of the lips, if it is too cold.

For recurrent fungal infections, a vaginal tablet or ovule is sometimes used for a prolonged period of time, each time on the fifth day of menstruation, to prevent the fungal infection from returning. Examples include nystatin, butoconazole, clotrimoxazole, miconazole and terconazole.

Antifungal agents to take in
Antifungal agents damage the cell wall of the fungus, causing it to die. In a fungal infection, local treatment with antifungal is usually sufficient. But if the infection often returns, the doctor may prescribe antifungal agents. Examples are fluconazole, itraconazole and ketoconazole.


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