Home Remedies for Yeast Infection Cure

Home Remedies for Yeast Infection Cure

home remedies for yeast infection
home remedies for yeast infection
Vaginal fungal infection is the most common type of yeast infection. Over 75% of all women suffer from at a certain time. This article speaks of a number of home remedies for managing this condition.

Vaginal fungal infection is caused by a fungus, Candida albicans. It is seldom a serious condition, but can be very uncomfortable. Many women are ashamed of a doctor for treatment and treatment of the condition using some proven home remedies preference.

Home Remedies (how to cure candida naturally and permanently)

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is a well-known natural antifungal. Pour a few drops of undiluted tea tree oil onto a tampon covered with a lubricant and insert into the vagina. Keep it for at least half an hour. Do this every morning and evening for a few days. This will definitely get rid of the infection.


Make a paste of garlic pods and apply to the skin around the vagina. It can burn a bit, but is very effective. This paste can be used for fungal infection in other parts of the body as well. Another way to use garlic is to cut a few garlic pods and to pack it in a cheesecloth. Place in the vagina for about 20 minutes, with a portion of the cheese cloth hanging out for easy removal.


Immerse a tampon in yogurt and put into the vagina. Do this twice a day, once in the morning and in the evening until symptoms disappear. Another way is to have a tablespoon of yogurt and insertion into the vagina. This is best in the evening just before going to bed. Regular shower with yoghurt proved to be effective. Together with these treatments, it is also recommended to eat enough yogurt. It is good for your entire system and will heal the fungus. Buttermilk also gives good results. Drink a glass of buttermilk in the afternoon, and one at night.


This is probably the most sticky and uncomfortable way to cure vaginal fungal infection, but it is said to do miracles. Take half a cup of honey in the bathroom. Pour a large amount of honey on all the affected parts, sitting on the toilet glasses. Do you sit in this way for about 20 minutes. Hereafter you can have a hot water bath. Thoroughly dry the vaginal area with super absorbent paper. You will feel much better. Do this twice a day, in the morning and just before going to bed at night.


Vinegar is known for its antibacterial and antifungal properties. Fill a bath with warm water mixed with 1 cup of vinegar. Enjoy in this bath solution for about 20 minutes. Thoroughly dry the vaginal area with super absorbent paper. Any vinegar will do, but the best results are found using apple cider vinegar.


It is estimated that over 75% of women suffer from vaginal fungal infection at least once in their lives. It's a small problem that is cured within a few days for some and some women are known to suffer from these fungi years. It has been noted that women who have this infection for years have usually not sought medical help, and they have not tried a decent home remedy to eradicate the fungus.

Some symptoms of this infection are:

  • An unusual thick, odorless, whitish vaginal secretion
  • Inexplicable pain in intercourse
  • Uncontrollable itching and a burning sensation in the vagina and the skin around the vagina (vulva)
  • Unexplained swelling of the vulva
  • Burning feeling during urination.

If you suspect you have vaginal fungal infection and it's the first time, it's advisable to visit your gynecologist and get checked. It may be a somewhat more serious form of vaginal infection or vaginal inflammation, such as trichomonas or bacterial vaginosis.

What causes it?

Under normal conditions, mold is present on the skin and in the vagina of almost all healthy women. The acidic environment in the vagina helps control the growth of this fungus. It's when the acidic level drops through various factors, ranging from menstruation, antibiotics, steroids and diabetes, that the fungus begins to multiply and causes vaginal infection. Incorrect personal hygiene This is also a primary cause of vaginal fungal infection

Precautions that can be taken

Prevention is better than cure. Taking these measures into account will ensure that you do not suffer from vaginal fungal infection.

  • Avoid wearing clothing made of synthetic material
  • Avoid wearing maillots and panties daily
  • Avoid wearing tight panties
  • Avoid wearing tight jeans daily
  • Avoid remaining in wet clothes too long
  • Wear natural fiber clothing
  • Wear suitable cotton panties
  • Immediately change wet clothes to dry the ones. Wash yourself, especially the vaginal area with super absorbent paper.
  • Avoid using sprays and perfumes in the genital area. Also stay away from deodorant sanitary napkins and tampons.
  • Always use the toilet to wipe from front to back, never back to front.
Yeast infection can be painful and if not treated properly, it can lead to complications as well. Prevention is the best thing to do, but if you have developed the infection, due to the above mentioned home remedies, you should never have to suffer and treat yourself to yeast infection again.

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