Candida cleans the diet

Candida cleans diet

candida cleanse diet
candida cleanse diet
The first element in a Candida cleanse diet is a low sugar diet. This because sugar is one of the main causes of Candida overgrowth and the modern Western diet is booze. Candida yeast cells need sugar to build up their cell walls so that the Candida colonies can expand and eventually pass into a mold.

In a 2011 survey, scientists have looked at how Candida albicans uses the sugar. The conclusion was that carbohydrates were "indispensable" for both cellular growth and for switching between yeast and fungal forms. This is just one of the studies that make it very clear that a low sugar diet must form a necessary part of each candida diet.

The ultimate Candida diet consists of three phases, which are explained in more detail below.

Candida cleansing phase

The first phase in the Candida diet is a cleaning phase which is optional. This is because it is a very strict diet in combination with a lot of water and some detox drinks, to get rid of your intestines from as many Candida colonies as possible.

During this phase you must stick to a diet of raw salads and steamed vegetables, along with various herbs, spices and oils to provide your meals with a little more flavor. It is a restrictive candida diet, but you only have to follow a few days, fortunately. You will end the cleaning feeling refresh, light, healthy and ready to proceed to the next stage of the candida diet.

The anti - Candida cleanse diet

This is a very important part of the Candida diet, and if you skip the cleaning, this is the stage where you start the Candida diet. The Anti - Candida diet is a more balanced diet, but it still eliminates fruit, added sugar, most starchy vegetables, caffeine and everything with a high glycemic charge. This phase has been carefully designed to cut the Candida from food while providing you with all the nutrients you need.

There are also a handful of foods that actually fight Candida. These are in the category of antifungal agents or probiotics, and you must integrate them into your diet. So you will be happy to know that foods such as yogurt and cabbage are on the list, even though their carbohydrate content seems too high.

Below are lists of foods that you can use with a candida diet of food you should eat and food that you should avoid.

To eat foods with Candida diet - what will happen if you remove alcohol, cheese, chocolate and other delicacies from your diet? On the next page you will find an overview of which foods are best suited for a Candida diet.

Food To Avoid By Candida Diet - Some of these foods supply energy directly to the Candida yeast. Others affect the functioning of your immune system and reduce the ability of the body to fight infections.

This phase may vary from a few weeks to a few months. It depends on several factors - how strict your diet is, the effectiveness of your probiotics and antimycotics, and the severity of your Candida infection.

Reintroduction of food

Once you have defeated the Candida infection, what is the next step in the Candida diet? It's definitely not a good idea to go back to the original diet immediately. After all, that was the diet that most likely caused the Candida overgrowth in the first place.

At this stage you must begin to gradually add certain foods to your diet. Low sugar fruits like green apples are a good example, and you can also start using beans. If everything goes well and reintroduction of these foods does not lead to Candida symptoms, you can proceed to reintroduction of more foods.

Will you ever return to your original diet? Probably not. The fact that you suffered from Candida overgrowth could already indicate that a normal diet will lead to Candida overgrowth. However, once you're so far away, I hope you do not even want to go back to sweet snacks or junk food. The healthy, energetic feeling that you get from a diet of nutritious whole food is the cost of missing a few delights.


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